Dolav Boxes & Washers

IWM Ltd is a leading supplier of Dolav folding boxes and the associated washers. Dolav washers are washing machines designed for the fast and efficient cleaning of plastic Dolav’s /pallet boxes/containers. Also known as pallet box washers, they are designed and supplied for bulk container washing.

Industrial washing Machines produce variable versions of these washers both stand-alone (cabinet washers) or inline systems (tunnel washers). Furthermore, as with all our systems IWM machines take into account the latest hygienic factors and allow for minimal cleaning times and optimum energy usage.

Benefits of Dolav Washers

Minimal Energy Usage

The washing is accomplished by sustained jetting from rotating spray arms. Therefore, ensuring that the washing and cleaning of all surfaces of the items are effective. Furthermore, the supply of water is from a heated tank which is automatically dosed with detergent. In addition, to minimise water, detergent and energy usage, the wash water is re-circulated. This is via an efficient suction filter system that protects the wash pump and prevents residues from being deposited in the wash system.

Digital Temperature Controller

Customers may specify either steam, electric or gas water heating. But, in either case, a digital temperature controller ensures that the required wash and rinse temperatures are accurately maintained with minimum energy consumption. Furthermore, detergent dosing is controlled by a conductivity-based chemical dosing unit that ensures accurate delivery and minimises wastage. For applications in the food sector where sanitising is required, the machines are fitted with a separate sanitiser dosing unit.

High-Grade Stainless Steel

Like all IWM washing machines, the new cabinet washers for transit containers are constructed from high-grade stainless steel. Therefore, ensuring a long life even in tough operating conditions. They have been designed to be easy to maintain and consumable spares such as filters are readily available.

Why are Dolav Pallet Boxes Different?

Expert Washing Technology

To confirm that its revolutionary new boxes really do meet the needs of the food sector, Dolav teamed up with Industrial Washing Machines Limited (WM), a renowned expert in washing technology.

Putting Dolav Folding Pallet Boxes to the Test

In conjunction with detergents specialist Holchem, Dolav and IWM carried out a series of trials. For the preliminary trials, the boxes were coated with a proprietary gel that fluoresces under UV light. After that, they were washed in a customised IWM P100 pallet washer.

After washing, the boxes were examined with a UV light source in a darkened room. No fluorescence was seen, confirming that all of the gel had been removed.

Real World Conditions

Subsequent trials were designed to more closely replicate real world conditions. The boxes were heavily soiled with a sausage, minced meat and mayonnaise mix prior to washing.

Furthermore, the results were assessed using sensitive ATP (adenosine triphosphate) detection techniques and revealed that all surfaces reached consistently achieved a "cautionary clean" or better standard.

When subjected to the same tests, conventional folding containers from other suppliers produced results were 10 to 100 times worse. In addition, in every case, categorised as "not clean".

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antes del 1 de marzo

Cajas de palets plegables Dolav

  • Apto para lavado profundo
  • Colapsable
antes del 1 de marzo


  • Apertura de carga
  • 1000 mm de ancho x 1300 mm de alto
  • Enjuague óptimo
antes del 1 de marzo


  • Potencia de la bomba
  • 7,5-11 kW
  • Lavado y enjuague en varias etapas

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¿Qué estas buscando?

En los sectores industriales exigentes y altamente regulados, especialmente en áreas como el procesamiento de alimentos, donde los estándares estrictos son cruciales, Industrial Washing Machines (IWM) brilla como líder en el suministro de equipos de lavado profesionales y que cumplen con las normas.

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Equipos de Lavado Industrial

Bespoke twin washing machine by Indwash

Ya sea que trabaje en la industria alimentaria, farmacéutica o en cualquier otro sector en el que la higiene sea fundamental, nuestros innovadores sistemas de higiene y desinfección están diseñados para ofrecer resultados consistentes y de alta calidad.

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Equipos de Higiene

Industrial cleaning machines on sale by Indwash

Nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudarlo a pedir las piezas de repuesto correctas para su máquina.

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Pumps supplied by indwash

IWM es un proveedor confiable de equipos de lavado industrial y servicios de mantenimiento, con años de experiencia en el sector. Nuestros técnicos cualificados garantizan el máximo rendimiento y durabilidad de sus equipos mediante la formación y el cumplimiento de las mejores prácticas de la industria.

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Mantenimiento de máquinas

Entendemos que su industria puede enfrentarse a desafíos únicos, por lo que podemos adaptar nuestros equipos de limpieza comercial para que se adapten mejor a sus necesidades.

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Soluciones a Medida

Industrial Washing Machines

IWM cuenta con una flota de ingenieros que trabajan en todo el país, no solo realizando el mantenimiento de rutina, sino que también ofrecen renovaciones completas de las máquinas existentes. Cubrimos todos los aspectos de la renovación, no solo de nuestros propios equipos, sino también de las máquinas de nuestros competidores.

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Máquinas Reacondicionadas